Tuesday, February 9, 2010

First Clinic Day

Today was my first day volunteering at Los Licenciados Health Clinic, and unfortunately they were on strike. Most of the public clinics—as well as the main Hospital—are all on strike, and no one really knows how long it will last. They are protesting the fact that the national government passed a law promising all sorts of money and contracts to public clinics, but since they expected the regional government to pay for it, they haven't received any such pay. We’ll just have to see how this one pans out.

Since there were very few people in my clinic today, I really didn’t do much. I did observe an Obstetrician while she did some OB consultations, but she finished those at 10am in time for her meeting. Tomorrow I will be going to the other clinic (Santa Elena) with the other healthcare volunteers, as Santa Elena is not on strike.

On another note, here are some pictures from our city tour:

The view from the highest point in the Aycacucho... BEAUTIFUL.

Cacti! Prickly pear is a big food source here, and 
the bugs that feed on the cactus are used as purple dye for many textiles.

The life and death of Jesus Cristo

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